Bilipro® Rumyeast

Bilipro® Rumyeast, a probiotic supplement from FatahMed Company, enhances the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the rumen through synergistic effects. Additionally, it inhibits the proliferation of harmful microorganisms via several antagonistic mechanisms, promoting overall rumen health.
10 kg  pockets

Ruminal pH Stabilization

A decrease in ruminal pH and the occurrence of sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA), especially in high-carbohydrate feed rations, is a common issue in the dairy industry. Bilipro® RumYeast helps stabilize ruminal pH by optimizing the microbial environment in the rumen. It stimulates the growth of lactate-utilizing bacteria, shifts biochemical pathways from lactate to propionate, and ultimately stabilizes ruminal pH, preventing SARA and its undesirable effects.

Stabilization of Ruminal Microflora

The ruminal microflora is a complex system consisting of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and protozoa that facilitate the digestion and absorption of feed under anaerobic conditions. Bilipro® RumYeast promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms through synergistic effects, while simultaneously inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms through antagonistic mechanisms, ensuring a balanced microbial ecosystem in the rumen.

Improved Feed Utilization and Production

Bilipro® RumYeast enhances fiber degradation, feedstuff processing, short-chain fatty acid production, and ammonia reduction by producing enzymes and vitamins, utilizing free oxygen, and supporting the growth and activity of beneficial cellulolytic microorganisms. This leads to better weight gain, increased milk yield, and higher milk fat and protein content.

Additional Benefits of Bilipro® RumYeast

  • Enhances feed conversion ratio (FCR)
  • Inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms
  • Balances gastrointestinal microflora
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Produces essential enzymes and vitamins
  • Improves digestion and nutrient absorption

مقدار مصرف در نشخوارکنندگان

  • گاو گوشتی: 4-2 گرم در روز
  • گاو شیری: 4-6 گرم در روز
  • شرایط استرس: 5-10 گرم / سر روزانه
  • گوسفند و بز: 2-3 گرم در روز

میزان مصرف در سایر دام ها

  • 50-100 گرم در تن خوراک برای جوجه ها، بوقلمون ها و گونه های آبزی
  • 100-200 گرم در تن خوراک برای شترمرغ

دستورالعمل های ذخیره سازی

این محصول باید در بسته بندی اصلی خود در جای خشک و خنک نگهداری شود.

از قرار گرفتن در معرض نور خورشید، رطوبت و دمای بالا خودداری کنید.

ماندگاری در این شرایط 24 ماه است. اطلاعیه مهم

این یک دارو نیست.

این یک پیش مخلوط خوراک است و برای اهداف درمانی در نظر گرفته نشده است.

Effectiveness Bilipro® Rumyeast not only improves the growth of beneficial microorganisms, but also creates a thriving environment for digestion .


Enhancing FCR


Enhancing immune system


Producing essential enzymes and vitamins